⟨egg⟩ Damien lpg Butcher Zeusbeer Stonesmile Standecco Al2Me6 pEdro *Windows-only* test build with the fix to #2400. This is save-compatible with Hamilton, but it will not make your old saves smaller. However, newly computed trajectories should be a great deal more compact: old things are not stored in between engine firings, and are recomputed instead. Please test extensively with many different mission profiles (from fancy interplanetary probes to LEO rendez-vous and anything else you can think of), and report any issues you encounter. *Important warning*: this fix will not be in the upcoming release on the 2nd of January (Hardy), as we want it to be tested extensively for a while. test2362Hardy includes everything that is in Hardy. Saves made with test3262Hardy will not be compatible with Hardy. They should be compatible with हरीश चंद्र in February, unless some major unexpected bug throws a wrench into that. https://bit.ly/3pIwvWD