using System; using System.Globalization; namespace principia { namespace ksp_plugin_adapter { internal class DifferentialSlider : ScalingRenderer { public delegate string ValueFormatter(double value); public delegate bool ValueParser(string s, out double value); // Rates are in units of |value| per real-time second. public DifferentialSlider(string label, string unit, double log10_lower_rate, double log10_upper_rate, double zero_value = 0, double min_value = double.NegativeInfinity, double max_value = double.PositiveInfinity, ValueFormatter formatter = null, ValueParser parser = null, UnityEngine.Color? text_colour = null, int label_width = 3, int field_width = 5) { label_ = label; label_width_ = label_width; field_width_ = field_width; unit_ = unit; if (formatter == null) { // TODO(egg): Is this just "N3"? formatter_ = v => v.ToString("#,0.000000", Culture.culture); } else { formatter_ = formatter; } if (parser == null) { // As a special exemption we allow a comma as the decimal separator. parser_ = (string s, out double value) => double.TryParse( s.Replace(',', '.'), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite, Culture.culture.NumberFormat, out value); } else { parser_ = parser; } log10_lower_rate_ = log10_lower_rate; log10_upper_rate_ = log10_upper_rate; zero_value_ = zero_value; min_value_ = min_value; max_value_ = max_value; text_colour_ = text_colour; } public double max_value { set => max_value_ = value; } // Set from the UI. public double value { get => value_ ?? 0.0; set { value_ = value; // Reformat systematically, even if the value has not changed numerically, // as it may have been edited all the same (e.g., remove zeroes). formatted_value_ = formatter_(value_.Value); } } // Set from programmatic data, e.g., data obtained from C++. Does nothing if // the value has not changed to avoid messing with UI input. public double value_if_different { set { if (!value_.HasValue || value_ != value) { value_ = value; formatted_value_ = formatter_(value_.Value); } } } // TODO(phl): Remove and use value instead. public void ResetValue(double new_value) { value_ = null; value = new_value; } // Renders the |DifferentialSlider|. Returns true if and only if |value| // changed. public bool Render(bool enabled) { bool value_changed = false; using (new UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { { var style = new UnityEngine.GUIStyle(; if (text_colour_.HasValue) { style.normal.textColor = text_colour_.Value; } UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(text : label_, options : GUILayoutWidth(label_width_), style : style); } if (enabled) { // If the text is not syntactically correct, or it exceeds the upper // bound, inform the user by drawing it in the warning style. Note the // fudge factor to account for uncertainty in text/double conversions. var style = Style.RightAligned(; if (!parser_(formatted_value_, out double v1) || v1 > max_value_ + 0.1) { style = Style.Warning(style); } // Draw the text field and give it a name to be able to detect if it has // focus. string text_field_name = GetHashCode() + ":text_field"; UnityEngine.GUI.SetNextControlName(text_field_name); formatted_value_ = UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField( text : formatted_value_, style : style, options : GUILayoutWidth(field_width_)); // See if the user typed 'Return' in the field, or moved focus // elsewhere, in which case we terminate text entry. bool terminate_text_entry = false; var current_event = UnityEngine.Event.current; if (current_event.isKey && current_event.keyCode == UnityEngine.KeyCode.Return && UnityEngine.GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == text_field_name) { terminate_text_entry = true; } else if (UnityEngine.GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != text_field_name && formatted_value_ != formatter_(value_.Value)) { terminate_text_entry = true; } if (terminate_text_entry) { // Try to parse the input. If that fails, go back to the previous // legal value. if (parser_(formatted_value_, out double v2)) { value_changed = true; value = v2; slider_position_ = 0; // TODO(phl): If the value computed here is rejected by the C++, we // revert to the previous value just as if there was a parsing error // and this is not nice. } else { // Go back to the previous legal value. formatted_value_ = formatter_(value_.Value); } } } else { UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(text : formatted_value_, style : Style.RightAligned(, options : GUILayoutWidth( 5 + (unit_ == null ? 2 : 0))); } UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(text : unit_ ?? "", options : GUILayoutWidth( unit_ == null ? 0 : 2)); if (enabled) { if (!UnityEngine.Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { slider_position_ = 0; } if (UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayoutWidth(1))) { value_changed = true; if (parser_(formatted_value_, out double v)) { value = v; } if (is_delta_right) { value += delta_value; } } delta_text = UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField( text: delta_text, options: GUILayoutWidth(2)); if (parser_(delta_text, out double delta_v) == false) { is_delta_right = false; } else { is_delta_right = true; delta_value = delta_v; } if (UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayoutWidth(1))) { value_changed = true; if (parser_(formatted_value_, out double v)) { value = v; } if (is_delta_right) { value -= delta_value; } } slider_position_ = UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( value : slider_position_, leftValue : -1, rightValue : 1, options : UnityEngine.GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button("0", GUILayoutWidth(1))) { value_changed = true; // Force a change of value so that any input is discarded. ResetValue(zero_value_); } if (slider_position_ != 0.0) { value_changed = true; // Moving the slider doesn't always cause a loss of focus so we // terminate input if necessary. if (parser_(formatted_value_, out double v)) { value = v; } value += Math.Sign(slider_position_) * Math.Pow(10, log10_lower_rate_ + (log10_upper_rate_ - log10_lower_rate_) * Math.Abs(slider_position_)) * (DateTime.Now - last_time_).TotalSeconds; value = Math.Min(Math.Max(min_value_, value), max_value_); } } else { slider_position_ = 0; } last_time_ = DateTime.Now; } return value_changed; } private readonly string label_; private readonly int label_width_; private readonly int field_width_; private readonly string unit_; private readonly double log10_lower_rate_; private readonly double log10_upper_rate_; private readonly double zero_value_; private readonly double min_value_; private readonly ValueFormatter formatter_; private readonly ValueParser parser_; private readonly UnityEngine.Color? text_colour_; private float slider_position_ = 0.0f; private DateTime last_time_; private double max_value_; // It is convenient for the value to be nullable so that we have a way to // ensure that an assignment to it will actually have an effect and won't be // optimized due to the existing value. This happens at initialization and // during some events handling. private double? value_; private string formatted_value_; private double delta_value = 0.1; private string delta_text = "0.1"; private bool is_delta_right = true; } } // namespace ksp_plugin_adapter } // namespace principia